Neue Stallplätze ab Sommer 2021+++Under Construction+++
Neue Stallplätze ab Sommer 2021+++Under Construction+++
Neue Stallplätze ab Sommer 2021+++Under Construction+++
Neue Stallplätze ab Sommer 2021+++Under Construction+++

Equestrian centre

Stall Hire

Nestled between Koblenz and Bonn, our national award-winning stables offer self-catering box stalls for hire.

Ideal for:

  • breeders
  • rehabilitation/convalescence/physiotherapists
  • riding teachers
  • equine coaching
  • private horse owners

"Paddock” wing:

6 paddock stalls of 60 m2, flexible merging options available;

"Standard stall” wing:

6-8 standard stalls, each with the option to merge together into a larger active space.

Rental packages include:

  • Access to pastures: summer pasture, winter pasture, mud-free winter paddocks;
  • Full use of facilities: indoor arena (15m x 45m), outdoor arena (30m x 55m), round pen, trail course, private gallop track, riding terrain, horse bathing area, wash rack, solarium, riders' inn, seminar room, tack rooms, hay/straw storage directly at the stable wing, manure disposal, electricity/water, historic buildings with amenable stable climate and wonderful private atmosphere;

Hay and straw can either be purchased directly from us or externally. Each stall is equipped with an automatic waterer and a hayrack.

Accommodation at the stables is also available.

Please contact us for prices and to make an appointment - we look forward to hearing from you!